
308 A.C. – Village Foundation by the Celts.

1st Century – Obidos is conquered by the Romans.

5th – 6th Century – Romans followed up the Visigoths.

8th Century- The Moors occupied the village.

1148-11 de Janeiro – D. Afonso Henriques takes Obidos the Moors (municipal holiday).

1195 – Probable charter of donation to Obidos.

1210 – Alfonso II donates the village to his wife, D.Urraca.

1246 – By keeping fidelity to D.Sancho II, Obidos ensures the title “Mui noble and always loyal” that still holds today.

1282 – D. Dinis and Queen Santa Isabel pass wedding night in Óbidos. With the donation of the village, as a wedding gift, this becomes an integral part of the dowry of all Portuguese Queens until 1834.

1422 – In the town of Obidos, King John I makes the change from the era of Caesar to the era of Christ.

1441 – On August 15 marries the Prince Afonso (later King Afonso V) with Isabel. The groom was ten years old and the bride eight.

1491 – The Queen D. Leonor, wife of King João II, moves  to Obidos after her sons death, Infante Afonso.

1498 – Leonor founded Mercy of Obidos.

1513 – D. Manuel donates the new Obidos charter.

1527 – King John III establishes a class of Mathematics and one of Theology.

1684 – On July 22 dies the painter Josefa d’Obidos.

1755 – Obidos is damaged by the earthquake.

1808 – From Obidos are fired the first shots that began the Battle of Roliça, during the French invasions, where Napoleon suffered his first loss of the Peninsular War.

1834 – Extinction of the House of Queens.

1900/1910 –  King D.Carlos  hunting used to hunt in the lagoon, with Priest Antonio Almeida, chaplain of the Lord of the Stone Church.

1910/1950 -Restoration of the wall

1973 – takes place in Obidos one of the Captains Movement meetings held at the Headquarters of Recreational Musical Society Óbidos, which triggered the revolution April 25, 1974.

1994 – Archaeological excavations of a Roman city identified as Eburobrittium


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